Ways of the Boar
* Gore whatever corners you
* Fight to the end
* Take what comforts you can, enjoying the spoils
* Eschew non-boarish things, especially non-boar shamanic magic!
Followers of Boar Totems
Special: The boar is followed by shamans and barbarians, though other cleric-types and fighters can do so as well.
Associated Divinities: Freyr (via Gullinbursti), Freya (via Hildisvini), Moccus (Celtic), Beowulf (Anglo-Saxon Hero), Artemis (via Calydonian Boar), Hercules (via Erymanthian Boar)
Allowed Weapons: Axe, spear, sword, short bow, dagger
Allowed Armor: Boar hide and shield or lighter, boar-crested helm too
Spirit of the Boar: Those who follow the boar will gain a random special ability for every odd level they have. See the wolf totem (link) for specifics, noting that those who access the boar's power must also make a Wisdom check first, as well as roll for totemic side-effects (see Part II) and even totem tests at times (see Part III).
Boar Shamans (roll 1d6)
1. Boar-skin: Assume the form of a wild boar, becoming one in all ways but cognition for up to 1d3 rounds per level per day. The transformation takes 1d3 rounds, but doesn't count towards the duration limit. At 5th level, they can assume the form of a dire boar instead, and at 9th level, a wereboar.
2. Spirit Boar-skin: Can project their spirit as an ethereal boar. The shaman's body is left behind for the duration, helpless and comatose. Otherwise treat as #1 above, along with the advantages discussed in #4 below.
3. Swine Aspect: Gain either a boar's gore attack, speed, superior sense of smell, or hit points for up to 1d3 rounds per level per day. At 5th level, two can be used at once and at 9th level, three.
4. Boar Guardian Spirit: Call upon an ethereal boar ally to fight other spirits, scout an area, or even detect other supernatural forces. It will obey for up to 1d4 rounds per level per day, but a Wisdom check (DC 15) must be made by the shaman every 1d4 rounds to get it to do so, since it is boarish. At 5th level, it can be an ethereal dire boar instead, and at 9th level, an ethereal wereboar.
5. Boar's Hoard: Can sense the presence of gold, comfort, valuables, and/or edibles within 240' for up to 3d3 rounds per level per day.
6. Boar Breed: Acquire a random boar barbarian ability or even a magical ability from a similar totem, reflecting how the totem is a specific variety of boar.
Boar Barbarians (roll 1d8)
1. Resilient: Gain a +1d3 bonus per odd level that can be added to either make a saving throw or to reduce damage done to them each round, for up to 1d3 rounds per level per day.
2. Vicious: Can gain a +1d2 bonus to damage a foe that they hit after charging or when grappling for every odd level they have.
3. Boar-Wild: Able to fight in an especially enraged. swinely manner for 2d6+3 rounds, up to 1d3 times per level per day. While doing so, they gain a +2 bonus to hit and damage with an AC penalty of 2. To stop going boar-wild early, the barbarian must save vs. spell with a -3 penalty/ make a Will save DC 18, otherwise he may even attack allies until it's over. What is more, he has a base 33% chance of actually turning into a wild boar for every 3 rounds that he is going boar-wild, in which case it lasts 2d6 rounds longer and he also gains +1d4 Strength and Constitution during that time.
4. Too Stubborn to Die: Can keep fighting even if at -1d3 hit points for up to 2d3 rounds. Increase both by 1d3 for every odd level the boar follower has.
5. Boarish: Gain +1d4' in girth, along with +1d3+1 Constitution, -1d3 Dexterity, -1d2 Charisma, and the ability (and desire!) to eat anything chewable.
6. Svinfylking: Can gain +1 to hit and to damage per odd level when flanked by other boar followers, but also a -4 penalty to AC when they themselves are flanked or are retreating in such situations.
7. Boar-Fury: When reduced to 1/2 their usual hit points or less, gain a +1 to hit and to damage per odd level, but also a -2 penalty to AC.
8. Boar Breed: Acquire a random boar shaman ability or even martial ability from a similar totem, reflecting the boar totem being a specific type.
Next week: Totems: Boar, Part II!