Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Lords of Realms, Part III

Realms can range from heavenly to horrifying, and might even stretch to where one is. The lords provide the doors to such places, but the gods themselves can give their followers the keys, even if they themselves don't exactly match the realm's alignment.

Realm Divinities & Cults

Greek & Roman
Hades (Dis Pater): Beneath the earth, his faithful call upon earthy elemental and taking demonic lords of realms most often.
Hermes (Mercury): Travelling any of the realms, his messengers are most at home in the angelic and fey.
Poseidon: To sea realms, watery elemental and fey lords are fitting.
Zeus: Atop Mt. Olympus, he is served by both the angelic and the airy elemental lords.