Cleric Spells (Ares)
Clerics of Ares have access to the following spells.
1st Level: Command, Cure Light Wounds (reversible), Remove Fear (reverse), Resist Cold (if holding a shield), Charm Person* (usable on women with Charisma scores of 15+), Scare*
2nd Level: Bless (reversible), Hold Person, Resist Fire, Shatter* (requires a hit from cleric’s sword or shield), Strength*
3rd Level: Remove Curse (reversible), Striking
4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds (reversible), Exorcise, Haste* (only allows extra attacks, not double movement),
5th Level: Cure Critical Wounds (reversible), Cure Disease (reverse)
6th Level: Blade Barrier (but the cleric becomes the curtain of whirling blades, using his sword or spear to cause damage for the duration), Heal (reverse)
1st Level (d6): Blessing (boosting attack and damage rolls only), Paralysis, Resist Cold or Heat (if holding a shield), Word of Command, Charm Person* (usable on women with Personality scores of 15+), Scare*
2nd Level (d8): Binding, Cure Paralysis, Curse, Lotus Stare (cleric must be wearing a helmet), Restore Vitality, Stinging Spear (as Stinging Stone, but works just on spearheads and has 1/2 the duration), Shatter* (requires a hit from cleric’s sword or shield), Strength*
4th Level: Affliction of the Gods
Spartan Warrior (Fighter Option)
Align: N
MV: 35’
AC: 4
HD: 1+2
Atk: 1 spear or sword
Dmg: 1d6+1
SP: +1 per odd level with spear or short sword & shield, cannot engage in manual labor or commerce, can cause hesitation in those who have lower HD than them (see below)
SV: F1
Mor: 10
Like other hoplites, Spartan warriors gain a +1 bonus per odd level that can be added each round either to hit, damage, or even improve their AC when wielding a spear or short sword with a shield. What is more, since they are an infamous and specialized warrior caste, noted for their daily training from an early age and proscription from engaging in manual labor or commercial activity, they can cause hesitation in those with a lower HD who try to face them in melee. In such cases, the Spartan warrior’s opponents must make a Morale check or be too afraid to attack him until after the 1st round of battle has passed. Ares smiles on such fear and the resulting bloodshed.
DCC RPG stats:
Init: +2; Atk spear or short sword +2 (1d6+1); AC 15; HD 1d8+2; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SP will only perform their Mighty Deeds when wielding a short sword or spear with a shield- otherwise they have a standard +1 attack bonus per level when fighting in all situations, cannot engage in manual labor or commerce, can cause trepidation in those who have lower HD than them (see above- opponents must a make a Will save DC 12 to resist); SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +1; AL N.
Avatar of Ares
MV: 40’
AC: -8
HD: 24
Atk: 1 spear
Dmg: 8d10
SP: Ares cleric spells/abilities (caster level 14), immune to being disarmed or having helm or shield taken away, may exhibit Divine Test results 10-15 (25% chance for each)
Magic Resistance: 55%
SV: F24
Mor: 12
Ultimate warriors, Avatars of Ares crave blood and battle, reveling in the fear and spoils it gives. They travel the land, seeking worthy opponents who can survive at least 1d6 rounds of melee with them, or beautiful wives who can do the same in the bedchamber. In addition to their already formidable martial abilities, they may also experience the divine tests that Ares’s clerics do (#10-15), having a chance of being a Blood Fighter, War Emissary, etc., as well. In any case, those who do survive such an encounter are granted a +1 bonus to all melee damage rolls for the next week, along with an aggressive disposition and ruddy complexion.
DCC RPG stats:
Init: +6; Atk spear +28 (8d10+10); AC 27; HD 24d10; MV 30’; Act 2d20; SP Ares cleric spells/abilities (caster level 14, immune to being disarmed or having helm or shield taken away, may exhibit Divine Test results 10-15 (25% chance for each); SV Fort +20, Ref +12, Will +14; AL C.
Ares Encounters
1. During the next battle, a random party member can gain a +4 bonus to hit and to damage, but only if he or she swears allegiance to Ares. If so, then they must celebrate their new devotion by also attacking the next person they lay eyes on, even if an ally, for the next 2d6 rounds.
2. To the party’s surprise, a group of 2d4 Amazons surrounds them. But these are not the usual followers of Hera or other goddess, they worship Ares! In any case, they will generally behave the same, attacking any men in the group- though not because they dislike men, but because they like attacking!
3. Up ahead is the sound of battle. If they investigate, the party finds 2d4 Spartan warriors fighting 5d6 Helot slaves. Each Spartan will slay 2d4 Helots before falling himself, generally killing one per round, unless of course the party intervenes. What is more, each Spartan has a 25% chance of being part of the Crypteia- the secret police- and has 1d4 thief or assassin levels too. Such individuals will slay 1d4 extra Helots, along with trying to dispatch any party members who are so foolish as to get in the way.
4. The party comes to a great and barren mountain named ‘The Areopagus’. To reach the top, they will encounter (roll 1d12 or assign as needed):
[1] 2d4 clerics of Ares
[2] 2d3 fighter-clerics of Ares,
[3-4] 3d4 blood warriors of Ares (treat as Chaotic Spartans)
[5] 5d6 slaves
[6] 1d4 goats being gruff due to their zodiacal associations with Ares
[7] 1d3 fire-breathing horses who can do so for 2d6 damage every other round
[8] 1 ogre follower of Ares (who is experiencing the Chosen of Eris divine test)
[9] 3d4 birds of Ares that can hit with their droppings for 1d2 damage and also knock party members off the mountain edge (save vs. Paralysis or Reflex save DC 12 negates)
[10] 2d2 Dogs of War (treat as dire wolves)
[11] 1 young red dragon at a water stream whose teeth, if removed, can be sown into warriors
[12] an Ares Avatar. No matter the peril, those who reach the top will gain Ares’s favor for engaging in so much slaughter and havoc, especially if they kill all they encounter!
[1] 2d4 clerics of Ares
[2] 2d3 fighter-clerics of Ares,
[3-4] 3d4 blood warriors of Ares (treat as Chaotic Spartans)
[5] 5d6 slaves
[6] 1d4 goats being gruff due to their zodiacal associations with Ares
[7] 1d3 fire-breathing horses who can do so for 2d6 damage every other round
[8] 1 ogre follower of Ares (who is experiencing the Chosen of Eris divine test)
[9] 3d4 birds of Ares that can hit with their droppings for 1d2 damage and also knock party members off the mountain edge (save vs. Paralysis or Reflex save DC 12 negates)
[10] 2d2 Dogs of War (treat as dire wolves)
[11] 1 young red dragon at a water stream whose teeth, if removed, can be sown into warriors
[12] an Ares Avatar. No matter the peril, those who reach the top will gain Ares’s favor for engaging in so much slaughter and havoc, especially if they kill all they encounter!
Next week: priestesses of Aphrodite, Part I (viewer discretion is advised)!