Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Lords of Champions, Part II

Champion Types 
For every odd HD they have (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), champions gain a special ability based on what type they are. Abilities conferred multiple times may compound their modifiers, though additional abilities are suggested if they may not.

Angelic Champions
Smiting evil and chaos, they can be a (roll d6).
   1. Grim Warrior: personifying righteous death, all who first encounter them, whether friend or foe, must save vs. spell / make a Will save DC 15 or flee in fear for at least 1d6 rounds.
   2. Hero: have a Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score of 17 (or 18 or even 19 if this ability is taken twice or thrice), allowing them to make heroic feats, but also be the preferred target of enemies when in a group.

   3Holy Warrior: inspire those who are lawful and good to gain a +1 to all rolls when within 30' of them, but will be the preferred target of those who are chaotic and evil.
   4. Knight Templar: well-protected, gain a +2 AC bonus and +2 to saves vs. evil or chaotic beings, but must save vs. death with / make a Will save DC 10 to not attack any who they suspect to be evil and/or chaotic on sight.
   5. Reroll twice, granting half the bonus and penalty of each.
   6. Roll as Fey or Elemental Champion, while still following Angelic Champion ways.

Fey Champions
Challenging evil and law, they can be a / an (roll d6).
   1. Elf Warrior: can make a ranged attack at up to 240' away each round instead, but has a -2 penalty to the Magical Side-Effect of Champions roll, due to haughtiness. See also upcoming Volume V for additional elf abilities.
   2. Talking Animal: being quite odd, all who first encounter them must save vs. death / make a Will save DC 10 or be unable to attack or take them seriously for at least 1d3 rounds. Its oddness is also reflected in its 25% chance of not making any attacks each round as well, too busy being chatty.
   3. War Sprite: has a 1 in 2 chance each round of not being hit or affected by an attack or spell even if one would otherwise hit it. In return, they also have a 1 in 2 chance of bothering random lawful or evil combatants in the area instead of necessarily attacking the one its summoner wishes them to fight.
   4. She-Warrior: roll again on another table, making the result female (and likely at least somewhat fey too). Also grants her a +2 bonus to AC vs. those averse to attacking women, but a -1 for her to hit and damage too.
   5. Reroll twice, allowing either or both abilities to only be usable 50% of the time when attempted.
   6. Roll a
s Angelic, Elemental, or Demonic Champion, but will abide by Fey Champion ways as well.
Elemental Champions
Extinguishing other elements, they can be a / an (roll d6).
   1. Chromatic Knight: they must be armored in a certain color representing their element- blue for air, red for fire, green for earth, etc., but are then immune to up to 6 damage each round from both their element and its opposite.
   2. Elemental Warrior: appearing as on fire, very watery, etc., causing 1d2 damage each round of that type to those who come within 5' of them, whether friend or foe.
   3. Natural Warrior: gain a +1 bonus to hit and damage unnatural and/or strongly aligned (not at all neutral) foes, but only if all others within 120' (that they aren't fighting) are at least somewhat neutral too.
   4. Warrior Elemental: composed entirely of the element itself, but shaped like a warrior, it causes 1d4 damage of that type to all within 10' of them and is immune to poison, disease, lack of air, mental effects, critical hits, but also takes triple damage from opposing element(s).
   5. Reroll twice, granting half the bonus and penalty of each.
   6. Roll a
s Angelic, Fey, Demonic, or Devilish Champion, while still following Elemental Champion ways too.

Demonic Champions
Eviscerating good and law, they can be a / an (roll d6).
   1. Beastman Warrior: can make an extra melee attack each full combat round via claws, bite, or horns, but their AC is reduced by 2, disdaining armor and restraint. See also upcoming Volume V for additional beastman abilities.
   2. Demonic Warrior: gain +1 to all rolls and stats, but will eagerly betray allies at the earliest opportunity.
   3. Mutant Warrior: can make 1d2 extra melee attacks each full combat round at 1/2 strength via tentacles or extra body parts, but will attack the closest non-mutants around them at random rather than necessarily the ones its summoner wishes it to fight.
   4. Orc Warrior: can make an extra melee attack against a foe that is weaker than it each full combat round, but has a 25% chance each round of also stopping to intimidate and/or abuse any allies who seem weaker than them too. See also upcoming Volume V for additional orc abilities.
    5. Reroll twice, allowing either or both abilities to only be usable 50% of the time when attempted.
   6. Roll as Fey, Elemental, or Devilish Champion, while still following Demonic Champion ways.

Crushing good and chaos, they can be a / an (roll d6).
   1. Devilish Warrior: gain +1 to all rolls and stats, but will keep attacking others it deems unworthy once the original foe is down unless clearly specified not to before the summoner casts the spell.
   2. Grim Warrior: personifying unrighteous death, all who first encounter them, whether friend or foe, must save vs. spell / make a Will save DC 15 or flee in fear for at least 1d6 rounds.
   3. Undead Warrior: immune to poison, disease, lack of air, or mental effects, but can be turned by clerics and harmed by holy water.
   4. Warrior Automaton: immune to poison, disease, lack of air, mental effects, or critical hits, but only moves at -15' speed.
   5. Reroll twice, granting half the bonus and penalty of each.
   6. Roll as Fey, Elemental, or Demonic Champion, while still following Devilish Champion ways.

Champion Tests
The flames of violence may sometimes turn upon their wielder.

1-4. The summoner seems to have developed a bad reputation. All his attempts at summoning a champion will automatically fail for the next 1d3 days, and each failure will also trigger another divine test.

5-12. The next time the summoner calls a champion, not only will the champion act solely according to his type, but he will challenge the summoner, even attacking him if it would be fitting, remaining after the spell's duration if need be.

13-17. When the champion summoned says 'no', a champion of another random lord says 'yes'. This one will readily attack the summoner and anyone else who gets in his way, for he will remain in play until either he or the summoner is slain.

18+ It is now the summoner's turn. The summoner vanishes, summoned to serve the champion instead for the next 4d6 hours. He has a base 75% chance of returning, minus 5% for every champion test result over 17.

Next week: Lords of Champions concludes with Divinities & Cults of Champions and a Champion Encounter!