Arms & Armor Tests
Both blade and barrier can be turned on its master.
1-6. The attunement's source goes awry. The arm or armor becomes associated with another type of lord instead, making what would be demonic potentially fey, or that which would be angelic that of elemental earth. Roll 1d5, rerolling to get another besides one's own lord in this case if need be:
[1] angelic, [2] fey, [3] elemental, [4] demonic, [5] devilish.
7-13. Accursed thing! The item is enchanted wrongly, now having one or more fell features (roll 1d6):
[1] It causes the opposite of what it was meant to do.
[2] Its bearer suffers under the Blessing & Curse of a random lord (most likely the latter, link)
[3] Its bearer only thinks the item works as magically intended. It doesn't, much to his peril.
[4] It cannot be gotten rid of except as one would remove a curse.
[5] Its bearer no longer wishes to part with it, having to save vs. spell with a -10 penalty/ make a Will save DC 25 or will consider it 'precious' from now on.
[6] Reroll twice.
14-17. Such magic isn't permitted now for 1d3 days. The caster cannot use the Attune Arms & Armor spell or similar enchantments for the duration. What is more, each of his current arms & armor attunements have a 50% chance of losing their powers. The caster will have to attune them again later if possible.18+ The quality of the creator often shows up in his work. The caster vanishes for 1d3 days per Arms & Armor test result over 17. During this time, his spirit will occupy the last arm or armor that he has attuned (or at least attempted to), granting it double its effects (if any), though its destruction during this time will also send him to his final reward.
Divinities & Cults of Arms & Armor
The gods provide for those ready to take action.
Greek & Roman
Aphrodite / Venus: fey & elemental fire & water
Apollo: angelic & elemental fire
Ares / Mars: demonic & elemental fire
Artemis / Diana: fey & elemental earth
Athena / Minerva: angelic
Demeter / Ceres: angelic & elemental earth
Dionysus / Bacchus: fey & demonic
Hades / Dis Pater: devilish & elemental earth
Hecate/ Trivia: angelic & demonic or devilish
Hephaestus / Vulcan: elemental fire & earth
Hera / Juno: angelic & devilish
Hermes / Mercury: angelic & fey
Hestia / Vesta: angelic
Poseidon / Neptune: fey & elemental water
Zeus / Jupiter: angelic & elemental air
Freya / Freo: angelic, fey, & elemental fire
Freyr: angelic & fey
Heimdall: angelic
Hel / Hellia: demonic, & elemental cold
Iðunn / Eostre: fey & elemental water
Jord / Eorde: angelic & elemental earth
Loki: fey & devilish or demonic
Odin / Woden: angelic & elemental air
Skadi: angelic & elemental cold
Sif / Sib: angelic & elemental earth
Sigyn / Hretha: angelic & elemental air
Surtur: devilish & elemental fire
Thor / Thunor: angelic & elemental earth or air
Thrym: demonic & elemental cold
Arawn: angelic & devilish
Arianrhod: elemental air & devilish
Bran: angelic & elemental earth
Brigid: angelic & elemental fire
Ceridwen: angelic or fey & demonic
Cernunnos: elemental earth & fey
the Dagda: angelic or fey & elemental earth
Danu: fey, elemental earth, & elemental water
Gwydion: fey & elemental air
Lugh: angelic & fey
Manannan mac Lir: fey & elemental water
the Morrighan: fey or angelic & demonic
Ilmarinen: angelic & elemental earth
Ilmatar: fey & elemental air
Lemminkainen: angelic & fey
Louhi: devilish & demonic
Mielikki: fey & elemental earth
Ukko: angelic & elemental air
Vainamoinen: angelic & elemental air
Baba Yaga: devilish & fey
Dazbog: fey & elemental fire
Lada: fey & elemental fire & water
Mokosh: angelic & elemental earth & water
Morana: devilish, demonic, & elemental cold
Perun: angelic & elemental air & water
Svarog: angelic & elemental air & fire
Balor: demonic & devilish or elemental fire
Glycon: angelic & demonic or elemental water
Johnny Applesneeze: devilish & demonic or elemental earth
Nergal: demonic & devilish or elemental air
Orcus: demonic
Tezschnaz: demonic & devilish
Unharmonia: demonic & devilish or elemental cold
Divinely Equipped
A Lords of Arms & Armor Encounter
Herein are 5 groupings of arms and armor per the various lords, whether to grant the party as treasure or even their foes to present more of a challenge, as need be. And for an even greater contest, one or more can actually be used by a champion (link).
Angel sword: +2 to hit and +1 damage the evil and the disorderly, also glows when they are within 30'.
Angel helm: +1 to AC and +2 saves vs. the same.
Fey bow: +2 to hit and damage the evil and the orderly.
Fey dagger: +1 to hit and damage the same, can also hover and fight by itself, using its wielder's combat stats.
Air trident: +1 to hit and damage those who are earthy and fiery, plus any who are hit (no matter their nature) must save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 or be unable to act for the next round, whether due to shock or high winds.
Frost shield: +2 to AC and +1 to saves vs. those who are watery or non-neutral, +1 to AC vs. all others.
Demon mace: +3 to hit and +2 damage the good and the orderly.
Demon chainmail: +1 to AC and saves vs. the same, as well as causing any damage its wearer does to spread to affect others within 10' too via little, chittering phantom monsters (using a demonic blasting effect).
Devil spear: +4 to hit and +1 to damage the good and the disorderly, as well as allowing its owner an extra melee attack each round as long as at least 3 hit points of blood have been spilled with the first attack (imitating a demonic effect). In return, the wielder loses something else of value when first acquired.
Devil leather: +1 to AC and +3 to saves vs. the same, but its wearer's 'allies' and underlings conspire against them more than usual, likely to acquire the armor for themselves.
Next week: we begin a new series on Thracian & Dacian divinities!