Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Moneychangers of Geedeepee, Part I

Lawful (Evil) Arch-Devil of Greed & Fiat Currency

Cult Edicts of Geedeepee
* Accrue wealth & possessions, no matter what the cost
* Take advantage of others whenever possible
* And consume all that you can from Nature too

Moneychangers of Geedeepee
Special: Geedeepee is served by a unique type of cleric known as the moneychanger.
Allowed Weapons: Cane or scepter (as mace)
Allowed Armor: None, though the wearing of fancy clothes is encouraged.
Unholy Symbols: Money & Greedy Folk, Arrows Angling Up, Bears & Bulls
Can Turn: Any who owe another money (if not known, a base 50% chance in civilized areas).
Mysteries of Geedeepee: Up to once per day per level, a moneychanger can transmute 3d20 gold coins into an amount of Golden Promises temporarily valued at 1d6+4 x 10% more. These promissory notes are much easier to carry around and must be accepted by those who would otherwise be paid in actual coin, though a save vs. spell (or Will save DC 15) resists such duplicity. Once taken, their value immediately drops to 1d10 x 10% less- much to the chagrin of their holders, depending on the fickle nature of Geedeepee.

Next week: Moneychangers, Part II!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part V

Ghul-Ghul Encounters

Roll 1d12 
1.  A disheveled, hipster-type accosts a random party member, accusing him of making 'antagonistic utterances' (saying bad word). Not that such an event is especially strange, apart for the fact that the hipster keeps chanting 'Ghul-Ghul' afterwards. Perhaps this is some type of Ghul-Gag?

2.  A long-term 'friend' of the party suddenly shows their true face. Not only does he or she refuse to talk to them, but the rascal even decries the party in the nearest public square! Little do they know that the apparent friend is dabbling with Ghul-Ghul and has experienced a Face-Tome demon test as a result.

3. Where is that song coming from? Up ahead a singer performs to an audience of 4d20. Unfortunately, there's a 10% chance each round of the platform on which she stands giving way and collapsing. Investigation will uncover that this was the doing of a Ghul-Ghul cultist wishing to placate Thou-Show.

4. A strange light leads to a shop that offers a surprisingly good supply of (roll 1d6): [1] torches, [2] rations, [3] ale, [4] caltrops, [5] sacks, or [6] per Referee. All are of good quality and at an excellent price. Those who partake will soonafter realize that such items are unavailable in the next 1d3 places where they should usually be. Maid-Buy will smile on such an occurrence, and happily send any so affected a Ghul-Ghul box to help it making it more commonplace yet.

5. Rumored in these parts is the Brave Lion, one who stands up to dread Ghul-Ghul. Whether some barely known god, totemic spirit, or simply a mortal group, the Lion will enable divination without torment, a truly rare thing amongst Interweb giants. In any case, such giants look to silence Brave Lion in the name of stopping 'false tidings'- a common thing amongst Interweb giants indeed.
6.  The party hears of a strange seeress who also acts a baker of foxes, cruelly alighting them on fire. She claims to stand against the tyrannies of Ghul-Ghul with her warped methods, but it is soon uncovered that her lizardine nature may even be a greater tyrant yet. The party may have to outfox her when she attempts to toss any non-corrupted diviners, their allies, or even those who have simply used their services off her devilish platforms into pits of doom.

7. Burly and with a strange look to his eyes, a lumberjack approaches who tells of many bizarre threats conspiring to destroy the goodly folk of the world- all done in order to usher in some Evil Order! If the party will let him, he will go on at length about (roll 1d6): [1] green-skinned rock-slitherers, [2] bad-smelling, corrupt aristocrats, [3] vampiric goblins with large bellies, [4] zealot dervishes intent on marketplace slaughter, [5-6] all 4. Such might seem to be the blatherings of a madman, that is, until he vanishes without a trace the next day. His name was Jalec Owens.

8. Local diviners complain of terrible monsters that not only interfere with their magics, but are nearly impossible to outwit. Treat them as trolls that can also scry on others' divinations that occur within 1 mile unless the diviner saves vs. spell (makes a Will save DC 15). Those who fail to save the first time must save a second, or won't be able to even access their results of their own divination. The wise might attempt to recruit such monsters in the fight against Ghul-Ghul, for they are Ruthenian Trolls.

9. 2d4 corpses are strewn about here. Their overly colorful garb and unholy symbols point to them being followers of Ghul-Ghul. Further investigation will uncover that it was a group of cultists loyal to either (roll 1d6): [1-2] Enak, [3-4] the Shield Ghul, or [5-6] both who slew them, angry over infringement of either their dark master's name and/or portfolio.

10. With howls of horrific outrage, a crowd is gathered here to sacrifice an aging man who has run quite afoul of nearly all the Interwebs Giants. Named Captain Salpinx, he still has a shock of blond hair, mouthy arrogance, and proudly wears a red helm that speaks of his realm's former glory. The crowd need only decide which one to placate first when its avatar arrives...

Interwebs Giant: Align: C, MV: 50’, AC: 2, HD: 11-16 (10+1d6), Atk: 1, Dmg: 3d6 + HD, SP: can cast 1 Ghul-Ghul spell of its choice each round at will; those slain by the giant must save vs. death (Will save DC 10) or rise again as a ghoul (a ghul-ghul), SV: F12, Mor:11

11. Doom impends upon this realm. Allying with another great evil (or evils!) the warped cultists of Ghul-Ghul's foul divinations have joined forces with at least one other demon lord to snuff out the goodly folk for... good. Roll 1d6: [1] Tiamat (see Volume III), [2] Orcus (see Volume II), [3] Uncle Steel Dwarf (link), [4] Louhi (in upcoming Volume IV), [5] Chernobog (the same), or [6] reroll twice.
12. A diviner. dwells here, seemingly innocent enough, except for the fact that he accesses the twisted powers of Ghul-Ghul. He or she is (roll 1d12): [1-8] a dabbler, [9-11] a devoted Ghul-Ghul cultist, [12] one actually turned into an actual ghoul (a ghul-ghul) due to an unpleasant encounter with an interwebs giant.

Next week: moneychangers of Geedeepee! 


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part IV

Advantageous seeming at first, especially since its mysteries allow them to be accessed 1 level earlier and cast at 1 level higher than normal, such divinations soon show their true corruption. Whether used by true cultists or those who otherwise follow other paths, the great power of such magic invariably incurs a greater cost. What else would one expect from a demon lord?

~1st Level~
Detect 'Evil': shows that which Ghul-Ghul doesn't like. Also allows one reroll against those so detected when followers of Ghul-Ghul invariably attack such 'evil' ones, including possibly the caster.
Divine Weather (D): predicts up to 1 day ahead per caster level, but only at 50% accuracy, even when ascertaining current conditions.
Message*: what is said is forever kept by Ghul-Ghul for its own. dark purposes. Cultists have a base 25% chance of being able to access such things.
Read Languages*: any translations are skewed so as to 'Do no evil' (unless Ghul-Ghul says so).

~2nd Level~
Know Alignment: also determines the target's shopping habits, whether the diviner wishes to know them or not.
Auditory Illusion*: can show a visual to go along with it, but prominent advertisements can give it away (subjects can make an INT check in this case).
False Gold*: creates up to 10 gold coins per day per caster level instead, but takes double that amount from either the diviner or his closest associate as payment.

~3rd Level~
Locate Object: gives a bird's eye view of its location, makes it glow, and shows the price for the object compared to similar ones, as well. Discerning the object's actual location requires the diviner making an INT check.
Clairvoyance*: range is 10 miles per caster level and linking only takes 1d6 rounds, but the target must have used Ghul-Ghul's magic within the last 24 hours. Also has a 50% chance of providing sound too, though other users of Ghul-Ghul likewise have a base 50% chance of being able to secretly scry in.
Wall of Payment*: as Wall of Fire, but appears as bright colors, doing no damage. Those who wish to pass must save vs, spell (make a Will save DC 15) or have to pay the caster 1g6 gold pieces per caster level.

~4th Level~
Divination: also marks those in the target area, allowing the diviner to keep track of them for 1d6 turns afterwards. Those who realize it (a WIS check) will hate the diviner for much longer than that.
Arcane Eye*: gives a bird's eye view of the area instead, replete with information that was valid 1d100 months ago.

~5th Level~
Contact Other Plane*: questions other than 'yes' or 'no' can be answered, with Ghul-Ghul even suggesting  questions for the diviner to ask. 'True Answers' are twisted to suit Ghul-Ghul's purposes of course and results of 'Insanity' trigger Ghul-Ghul demon tests instead.

~6th Level~
Find the Path: provides the diviner with a bird's eye view, with the path's distance given in feet, yards, or miles, along with other (irrational) routes. Those disliked by Ghul-Ghul are also made visible from that perspective to encourage vengeance.
Legend Lore*: casting time is only 1d6 turns and can provide information on any subject. It also automatically triggers a demon test.

Next week: Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part V! 

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part III

What might seem like superior divination may be something altogether worse.

Demon Tests
1-3. Improving divinations...  Ghul-Ghul cycles its power yet again, requiring the diviner to await, doing nothing more than sit impatiently for the next 2d6 turns and drool.

 We do 'Div-Div', how about you? The diviner must see, losing access to some of his spells (75% chance for each one, possibly including his turn ability) and speaking in a disyllabic way until he performs certain deeds. Roll 1d6 for each one lost to see what is required.

[1] Say 'Ghul-Ghul' until he a
ttacks at least 1 who believes in the use of unbiased divinatory magic.
[2] Say 'Face-Tome' until he gets someone to be his friend, and then insults them greatly or ignores them forevermore.
[3] Say 'Bird-Chirp' until he hears the scuttlebutt from someone, and then gets them to lose their employ and/or treasure for what they said.
[4] Say 'Maid-Buy' until he gives someone an item they'd like, then makes it difficult or even impossible for them to get it again, possibly by harming another person or place where they could get it from.
[5] Say 'Thou-View' until he finds someone to sing a song or do another performance, and then have them fall into a trap or otherwise lose their platform.
[6] Say 'Web-Log' until he locates one who will express their true feelings, then gets them jailed or killed for it.

10-12. Ghul-Ghul has found the diviner to be 'evil' and therefore will suffer one of the results of #4-9 himself, whether via another diviner's doing, the Interwebs manipulation of Ghul-Ghul itself, or simply bad luck. In any case, the disyllabic chanting of the one seeking to punish the diviner will be held until the very end, so as to not clue him in to which impending malady he will suffer. 

13-14. Even worse, the diviner's Ghul-Ghul box breaks, preventing him from casting any spells until a new one can be found- a process usually taking 4d6 hours! Perhaps it is unwise to rely so much on a demon lord.

15-17. The Interwebs calls and the diviner is whisked away. He returns in 1d6 days time, with both a 1d6 x 10% experience bonus and 5d20 points of damage due to the vast infusion of massive information, dazzling sights, and immense sounds; that is, if he still lives.

 Taking matters into its own, vaticinating hands, Ghul-Ghul manifests as an avatar, an Interwebs giant, to destroy the diviner and anyone else foolish enough to get in its way. See Part V for stats. Whether it deletes the diviner or not, it will remain for 2d6 rounds per demon test result over 17, unless itself is somehow deleted before then.

DCC RPG Conversion Notes
Turn ability= Turn Unholy ability

Next week: Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part IV!

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part II

Magical Side-Effects
The divinatory power that Ghul-Ghul draws from the Interwebs is impressive, but not as much as the price demanded for its use. All one needs is some dangerous curiosity (and a Ghul-Ghul box, the demon lord's unholy symbol). Roll 1d12. 

1. Error in Divination: Part of the diviner's personal information is unfortunately given to the target of his divination (if known) or to a random foe (if not). Roll 1d6 to see what is revealed: [1] true name, [2] lair location,
[3] known allies, [4] treasure location,
[5] other pertinent information, or [6] reroll twice. 
Such is the price of forbidden knowledge.

2. Ghul-Ghul Down! The connection to Ghul-Ghul's Interweb Pits is temporarily sundered, causing the spell to fail. The diviner is even unable to use any spells for the next 1d20 rounds due to a resulting failure with his Ghul-Ghul box.

3. Do-No-Evil Truth: Either what the diviner would like to know cannot be shown, or a distorted divination occurs instead (equal chance of either). The true reason is not because it can't be known, but instead because Ghul-Ghul does not wish it to be known!

4. The Cost of Fell Knowledge: And just what sacrifice will slake this Interweb Giant's thirst? The diviner immediately loses 1d6 x 10 gold pieces unless his spell scries on another, in which case they will pay it instead. If neither has that amount, then they experience the draining of 1d2 Constitution instead, part of their life force snatched away.

5. Ghul-Ghul Knows Best: Based on the caster's 'divining history', the demon lord proclaims that it has already prognosticated what the caster wants to know, so it casts a random one of his Ghul-Ghul spells for him instead!

6-8. Commerce Signs: The spell unfolds with strange runic messages appearing, made by those who have given Ghul-Ghul tribute. Any who notice them must save vs. death or become irritated, taking a -2 to all Wisdom based rolls for the next 1d6 turns, but true cultists of Ghul-Ghul are immune.

9. Thrill of the Interweb Sage: Accessing the fell trove of lore is addictive, and the diviner must immediately cast another Ghul-Ghul spell next round. There's a 50% chance of it not being expended when he does so, thus encouraging more addiction.

10. No Other Will Do: Though the spell can be cast with a 50% bonus to its range, duration, or effect, it causes the equivalent penalty to the next three non-Ghul-Ghul spells the diviner casts or that are cast within his presence, for Ghul-Ghul knows that they are scum.

11. We Hold the Lore Now: The Interwebs may grant vast divinatory power, yet it comes at the expense of those who already hold such erudition. The spell's effect, range, or duration is doubled, but the diviner permanently loses access to one non-Ghul-Ghul spell he knows; that is, unless he has a victim within 1 mile that he can attempt to have a known spell stolen from instead. In this latter case, the victim may make a save vs. death to resist such theft and to even prevent the diviner's boon.

12. Blessing of the Ghul-Ghulplex: With special access, the diviner taps into the raw power of the demon lord, allowing him to double the duration, range. or effect of his spell without any restriction. Not only that, but the spell use isn't expended for the day, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that there's absolutely nothing evil about Ghul-Ghul at all.

DCC RPG Conversion notes
Constitution= Stamina
Save vs. death= Make a Will save DC 10
Spell use not expended for the day= gains a +2 bonus to its spell check 

Next week: Diviners of Ghul-Ghul, Part III!