6-7. Aeolian: free-flowing, open, wild
8. Ionian: philosophical, dignified, wild
9. Corinthian: exotic, esoteric, wild
10. Dorian: martial, somewhat organized, wild
4. Tholos (Round)
6-10. Ruins
Temple's Access is Forbidden to (d8)
2. Defilers of the wild
3. Prudes
4. Undead
5-8. None, though any of the above would unlikely wish to go to Pan's temples anyway
Sacred Space (d14)
Reflecting untamed carnality, such places often emphasize one of the following (roll 1d12):
1-2. Be wild, naturally!
3-4. Enjoy making love, it truly sets you free
5-6. Respect wild places, keep despoilers out of them!
7-8. Treat animals well too
9. Pastoralism
10. Aegipan, Goat totem
11. The Phallus
12. The Syrinx
12-14. (no emphasis)
Random Ruins Encounters
(See Volume I)
- Cella (the temple's main sanctum/ most sacred area): Those who specifically follow Pan can reroll their magical side-effects, gaining a +1d2 bonus to the roll, even picking which ones they wish to use, up to 2 times per day.
- +1d3 bonus to all rolls made to enjoy lovemaking and the wild (50%)
- Located in or near ruins (if not already ruins itself, 33%)
Pan's sacred places are serviced by certain beings.
Pan Celebrants (1d12, 65% chance)
Licentious and concupiscent, they will happily lie with any who are vaguely appropriate.
Mve: 40’, AC 9, HD 1, Attk: none; SP: +1d4 bonus to lovemaking rolls, Sve: C1, Mor: 6, AL: C
Satyrs (3d4, 50% chance)
MV 45’; AC 7; HD 3; Atk: 1 gore or spear; Dmg: 1d4+2 or 1d6; SP sleep, charm person; SV: E7 (-4 vs. attractive females); Mor: 9, AL C
Wild Animals (1d8, 33% chance)
(roll 1d4): [1-2] goats, [3-4] sheep, [5-6] deer, [7-8] other animals of the wild.
Nymphs (1d3, 25% chance)
MV 40’; AC 9 (0 vs. those who are attracted to them); HD 3; Atk (none); SP: allure, charm person, animal summoning, plane shift, alter self- all as level 7 clerics of Pan; save vs. spell or men who look upon them are blinded or slain, otherwise -4 to all INT rolls, plus other abilities by type: tree stride (Dryads), enlarge (Oreads), or breathe water (Naiads); SV: M9; Mor: 7, AL N
Sileni (1d3, 20% chance)
MV 40’; AC 6; HD 4; Atk: 1 club; Dmg: 1d4+2; SP can calm satyrs; SV: E10; Mor: 11, AL N
Pan Maenads (1d3, 15% chance)
More amorous than those who serve Dionysus.
Mve: 40’, AC 9, HD 1+1, Attk: 2 (clawing); Dmg: 1d2/1d2; SP: hitting with both clawings allows them to begin to engage in (rough) lovemaking with the target, Sve: F1, Mor: 10, AL: C
Other special properties: +3 bonus to all rolls ro enjoy lovemaking and the wild.