Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Lords of Blastings, Part I

Things arising are phenomenal.

Ways of Blastings
They can:
Angelic: be used in defense to harm the unrighteous
Fey: cause much misfortune
Elemental: harm via an element
Demonic: create great suffering
* Devilish: be hard to detect

Working with Blastings
Many are the ways to harm via magic, let alone otherwise. The Blasting spell provides yet another.

1st Level Cleric Spell
Range: 60'
Effect: Cause 1d6 damage to a target. They may save vs. spell/ make a Fortitude or Reflex save DC 15 to avoid its effects. Additional effects vary based on what type of lord granted the spell.

Angelic: Only harms the unrighteous, who then cannot save against the effect. All others are unaffected.
Fey: Causes a 1d6 penalty to certain rolls rather than actual damage or might require rolls to perform even mundane tasks like remembering, finding things, or even walking, which could then lead to actual damage. Lasts for 3d6 rounds.
Elemental: Harms via an element, along with additional effects based on that element, such as igniting combustibles or slowing the target.
Demonic: The damage caused cannot be healed except by special means, or even other unpleasantness occurs. 
Devilish: As Fey, Elemental, or Demonic above, but its casting is secret, allowing the malefactor to be hard to discern.

See Part II for additional options, areas of effect, and other variations that can be made along with the spell's level.

Magical Side-Effects of Blastings
Roll 1d12.

1. Fizzle, Possible Rebound: The spell likely fails to work this round, though it is not lost. Experiencing this result also has a 1 in 3 chance of triggering a blasting test, which may actually cause the spell to work and be expended, though not in the way intended (see Part II).

2-3. Channel or Half: The blasting occurs only at 50% of its usual strength unless the caster channels the magic by spending 1d3 extra rounds channeling the spell. The caster also has a 50% chance of needing to shout during that time as well for emphasis.

4-9. Standard Effect: The blasting occurs normally.

10-11. Potent: The spell's range or effect is increased by 50%.

12. Mighty: The blasting's range or effect is boosted 100%. What is more, the caster can select what effect occurs if there are random choices (see Part II). Still, there's a 1 in 3 chance of triggering a blasting test too in any case.

For example, a cleric casts a fey blasting and gets a 3 as a magical side-effect. She can then cause a 1d6 penalty to all her target's rolls, but must spend 1d3 extra rounds casting the spell first with a 50% chance of needing to yell too, making it quite obvious that the spell was cast by her.

Next week: Additional Blasting Results!