Spells of Kotys
Havoc explodes in both glory and gore.
Havoc explodes in both glory and gore.
1st Level: Command, Cure Light Wounds (reversible), Remove Fear (reverse), Allure*, Charm Person*, Dancing Lights*, Enlarge*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Blasting^ (link)
2nd Level: Delay Poison, Hold Person, Holy Chant, Resist Fire, Snake Charm, Spiritual Weapon, Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)
3rd Level: Cure Blindness (reversible), Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse (reversible), Striking (Kotys' allowed weapons only), Amnesia*, Mirror Image*, Shatter*, Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)
4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds (reversible), Neutralize Poison, Sticks to Snakes, Tongues, Charm Monster*, Fear*, Fumble*, Polymorph Other* (monstrous humanoid forms only), Polymorph Self* (the same), Attune Arms & Armor^ (link)
5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds (reversible), Flame Strike, Quest, Distort Distance*, Feeblemind*, Transmute Rock to Mud*, Call Maiden^ (link)
6th Level: Animate Objects (if humanoid), Blade Barrier, Summon Aerial Servant, Part Water (or any other liquid used for bathing), Arcane Window*, Dweomer of Rage* (requires no potion, but will even attack allies if none else are present until the duration ends), Stone to Flesh*
7th Level: Astral Projection, Gate, Restoration, Fire Strom (D), Irresistible Dance*, Reverse Gravity*, Statue*
^ New spells. Kotys is usually served by fire elemental lords, fey lords, and demonic lords. Her cleric-types have access to two of the three each, whichever they most resonate with, allowing access to such spells as Fire Blessing & Curse, Fey Blessing & Curse, and/or Demonic Blessing & Curse. Note that like similar divinities, even though she may be served by demonic lords, they are more chthonic than evil, and are (usually) not actual demons.
Wrath of the Raucous Lady
a Kotys Encounter
Something has befallen the local ruins. Now occupied by followers of Kotys, locals have grown concerned over their late night indulgent rites. With recent hollering and inhuman bellows, the party is pressed to investigate, which might lead to even more clamor.
Each square = 10'.
Location 1: The road leads to what looks like a ruined temple. Depending on the time of day, sounds of intermittent yelling and moaning can be heard; other times screaming and cacophonous music. Such is its location that most can't hear it until roughly this distance is reached, suggesting those who would wish the party to investigate have ventured at least this close.
Location 2: From the temple opening wafts strong smells of incense and bodily fluids. A male and two female Thracians enjoy each others' company nearby inside. A number of other chambers can be spotted further in, likely with similar acts of unclad abandon occurring within them
Location 3: Those entering will be approached by a third female, dressed in robes of a priestess. Such is their scanty, wild nature and her direct demeanor that the knowledgeable will identify her as a bapta of Kotys. She will state plainly that any visitors must undress and join in or leave.
Lvl 4 Thracian priestess (bapta) of Kotys, Align: C, MV: 40’, AC: 8, HD: 4, HP: 24, Atk: 1 (falx), Dmg: 1d10 (see Part II), SP: priestess abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: Command, Cure Light Wounds (reverse), Remove Fear (reverse), Charm Person*, Enlarge*
SV: C4, Mor: 10, Items: holy symbol, scanty robes, falx, dagger, 28 silver pieces.
Appearance: heavyset, fair complexion, blond hair
If attacked, the three noted from the view of Location 2 will move to assist her, attempting to get in the way of party members, allowing Olgia time and room to cast her spells.
Kotys Followers
Align: C, Mve: 40’, AC 10, HD 1, Attk: 1 (none), Dmg: none, SP: +3 to rolls made to indulge Sve: F1, Mor: 7
Anywhere within the temple: Chaotic cleric-types can reroll their magical side-effects up to once per day, but must take the second result. Those who specifically follow Kotys or similar goddess (like Olgia does) can do so up to thrice per day, adding 2 to each roll and picking which one they wish to use.
Besides the south room, additional rooms have a theme with other Kotys followers bathing in it, along with special bonuses to those who remain within for at least 1d6 rounds:
Northwest room: Milk, 3 followers, +1 to all rolls related to healing and growth
Northeast room: Mud, 2 followers, +1 to all rolls nourishment and wrestling
Southwest room: Blood, 4 followers, +1 to all damage rolls and Charisma
Southeast room: Water, 2 followers, counteracts any other magical or room effects
Location 4: Sounds of bellowing out here are stronger. If the party has already identified the sounds within Location 3, they will realize that they are coming from Location 5.
Location 5: Down the hole thunders the voice. Those who climb the pole 10' down will find a 20' x 20' chamber. A huge, horned Thracian woman lumbers into view, along with 3 maenad and 1 corybante attendants. She will roar and attack, being somewhat more merciful if intruders are followers of Kotys themselves or are pleasing to her.
AL: C, Mve: 40’, AC 7, HD 1+1, HP: 6, Attk: 1; Dmg: 1d10 (falx); SP: Soothe Chaotic-type (link), must save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 to engage in wild dance or orgy whenever suitably tempted, Sve: F1, Mor: 9
AL: C, Mve: 40’, AC 9, HD 1+1, HP: 5, 6, 5, Attk: 2 (clawing); Dmg: 1d2/1d2; SP: hitting with both clawings allows them to rip their target for an additional 1d4+1 damage, Sve: F1, Mor: 8
Raucous Lady
3rd level cleric of Kotys, Align: C, MV: 40', AC: 7, HD: 5*, HP: 35, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d4+2 (horns)
SP: she's undergone divine test result #18+, though with a 20, making her have to save to not engage in carnal delights, she can also reproduce one of divine test results #12-17 of her choice up to once per day for 1d6 rounds
cleric abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: Remove Fear (reverse), Allure*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link)
2nd Level: Holy Chant, Resist Fire, Snake Charm
2nd Level: Holy Chant, Resist Fire, Snake Charm
SV: C3, Mor: 11, Items: holy symbol, light armor, knife, 75 silver pieces.
Appearance: voluptuous, fair complexion, red hair
Next week: priests of Zalmoxis!