Spells of Frigg
The magic of her beauty is only outshined by her love.
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Purify Food & Drink, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Allure*, Feather Fall*, Shield*, Fylgja* (as Unseen Servant, but looks like the ideal mate or totem animal of the cleric), Hold Portal*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Warding^ (link)
2nd Level: Augury, Bless, Delay Poison, Holy Chant, Reveal Charm, Speak with Animal, Spiritual Weapon (held by a phantom Disir), Find Plant (D), Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)
3rd Level: Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Locate Object, Prayer, Remove Curse, Speak with Dead, Striking, Clairaudience*, Clairvoyance*, Protection from Normal Missiles*, Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)
4th Level: Create Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Divination, Exorcise, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius, Arcane Eye*, Hamr* (as Polymorph Self, but falcon only)
5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Dispel Evil, Seidr Travel (as Plane Shift, but takes d30 extra rounds to cast as the cleric-type dons her falcon cape and enters into a trance), Utiseta* (as Contact Other Plane, but cleric-type must sit outside for 1d20 turns first), Commune with Nature (D), Call Maiden^ (link)
6th Level: Find the Path, Heal, Repulsion*
7th Level: Astral Projection (as Seidr Travel, above), Restoration, Wind Walk, Sympathy*
^ New spells. Frigg is usually served by angelic lords. Her cleric-types thereby have access to spells like Bestow Angelic Blessing & Curse and Create Angelic Food & Drink, just like those who follow similar divinities.
Courtship Cues
a Frigg Encounter
a Frigg Encounter
Fortunate love favors the bold. A puzzle to gain, but a pleasure to hold.
Here are twelve beautiful (CHA 18+) Norsewomen at an inn, either modeled after or actually are Frigg's handmaidens, per Referee.
The party can be on an errand to speak with them or court them, or even decide to court them after going to speak with them. What is more, Referees might even use the handmaidens as the basis for variant magical side-effects and divine tests of Frigg. For example, Eir's healing talents could be used as a requirement and/or effect for one or more of them.
Depending on how challenging the Referee wishes to make the encounter, he can have the presence of Gullveig (ever a joy to evil women) be somehow there, making a number of the handmaidens hostile. Remedying this intrusion and distortion of loving interaction would greatly please Frigg.
Each is found at 1 of 12 locations. Their appearance and manner (the latter without the presence of Gullveig) can also be determined via the following table.
Roll d12 twice
Hair Color Manner (is especially…)
1-4. Pure blond 1-4. Helpful
5-6. Golden blond 5-6. Loving
7-8. Ash blond 7-8. Pleasant
9. Red blond 9. Matronly
10. Red 10. Playful
11. Brown 11. Fertile
12. Black 12. Reroll Twice
Their general stats follow, adjusted by each at their Location. If actual handmaiden-goddesses, these would simply be avatars or their stats and bonuses can be made far higher.
Lvl 3 Norse gythya (priestess) of Frigg, Align: L, MV: 40’, AC: 9, HD: 3, HP: 12, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d4 (dagger)
SP: see Locations below, priestess abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: (pick 5) Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Purify Food & Drink, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Allure*, Feather Fall*, Shield*, Fylgja* (as Unseen Servant, but looks like the ideal mate or totem animal of the cleric), Hold Portal*, Bestow Angelic Blessing & Curse^ (link), Angelic Warding^ (link)
2nd Level: (pick 4) Augury, Bless, Delay Poison, Holy Chant, Reveal Charm, Speak with Animal, Spiritual Weapon (held by a phantom Disir), Find Plant (D), Call Angelic Champion^ (link), Conjure Angelic Realm^ (link)
SV: C3, Mor: 9, Items: holy symbol, robes, dagger, 22 silver pieces.
Appearance: fair complexion, shapely, otherwise per table above.
Map by Kassoon https://www.kassoon.com/dnd/house-map-generator/
Each square = 5'
Location 1
Eir (protection, help, mercy): A healer & shaper of fate. She is pleased with soothing and with destiny, and thereby gains +2 to healing & divination rolls and magic. She chats with Gefjon and Fulla.
Location 2
Gefjon (giver of happiness): An ancestral plow-maid. Land and sea are her concern, granting great abundance. She has +2 to all strength and fertility rolls, and is seated across from Eir and Fulla.
Location 3
Fulla (bountiful): Safekeeper of Frigga’s shoes & treasures, she is a close confidant in mysteries, with free-flowing hair and a golden band. Secrecy and bounty are her forte, so she is intrigued by that in others, allowing her +2 to engage in such things. She listens carefully to Eir while watching Gefjon's expressions.
Location 4
Sjofn (love): Directing people’s hearts to adoration of all kinds, healing quarrels between families and communities, she gains +2 to such rolls of resolution. She shares a dessert with Lofn, wishing to make sure the latter gets enough.
Location 5
Lofn (praise, comforter): So kind she gets to arrange meetings and unions, granting her a +2 bonus to her rolls when she acts thus. She will greet the party and they may find that she can help them with the other handmaidens.
Location 6
Var (pledge, beloved): Oversees oaths in marriages, punishing those who lie and break them. She enjoys a +2 to rolls vs. those who do so. Characters caught playing games with her or the other handmaidens will get to experience that. Otherwise, she watches the room, observing the party carefully.
Location 7
Vor (careful one): Wise and enquiring. Nothing can be concealed from her, including the party's motives. She has a +2 to all detection rolls and magic to match. She discusses matters with Syn.
Location 8
Syn (refusal): She is a gatekeeper and defender of the innocent. Ready to intervene if any party members misbehave, she gains a +2 to all rolls against them or other violators. She is interested in what Vor has to say, but also keeps an eye on the party.
Location 9
Hlin (protector): Guarding, giving refuge, she comforts those who mourn, which may be the characters if they misstep. She can lend a +2 bonus to one individual in need's rolls per round. She also watches the party, but more to help them if they have trouble with the other handmaidens, realizing the odds may be stacked against them.
Location 10
Snotra (clever): Wise and prudent, she encourages courtesy towards others. She is a seidkona (link), losing the priestess's bonus spells in order to have a chance to immediately cast any spell known to her, as well as gaining a +2 bonus to wisdom-related rolls as her own unique ability. She insightfully prepares food at the counter with Gna.
Location 11
Gna (to project): Often rides Hofvarpnir (Hoof-tosser), though the steed is not present. Still, she carries messages well on her own, gaining +15' speed and +1 to rolls made to communicate. She engages in gossip with Snotra.
Location 12
Saga (seeress): Drinking with Odin when she can, she enjoys trading stories, relating history, and other knowledge. Like Snotra, she is also a seidkona (link). Sipping ale by herself, a suitable man might take her fancy; that is, if he's knowledgeable enough.
Saga (seeress): Drinking with Odin when she can, she enjoys trading stories, relating history, and other knowledge. Like Snotra, she is also a seidkona (link). Sipping ale by herself, a suitable man might take her fancy; that is, if he's knowledgeable enough.
Next week: Clerics of Njordr!
RPG srd Old School 1st ed AD&D Frigga
RPG srd Old School 1st ed AD&D Frigga