Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Lords of Wards, Part I

Lords of Wards grant spells that protect individuals or areas via angelic, fey, elemental, demonic, or devilish craft. Each prevents access to that which could harm or can even prevent the escape of such perils too.

Ways of Wards
Wards may bar or contain that which is...
Angelic: disorderly, disruptive, messy, unhealthy, jerkish, or cruel
Fey: orderly, restrictive, banal, unhealthy, prudish, or cruel
Elemental: hot, cold, airy, watery, or earthy
Demonic: orderly, restrictive, banal, healthy, normal, or kind
* Devilish: disorderly, disruptive, unhealthy, free, or kind

Working with Wards
Special: Spellcasters who choose to associate with a type of lord of wards are known as warders . They may then replace spells they know with warding spells, whether created below and/or from preexisting ones (see Part II).

Warding Spell Creation
Each warding spell made with this method counts as one spell known. It protects against a certain thing, though it is flexible in what levels it can scale to. 

A 1st level warding spell effect can protect one individual that's touched for 3 rounds per caster level.

Sentient beings that would be warded against can still attempt to break through by successfully saving vs. spell/ making a Will save DC 15. The insentient have no such recourse.

Alternatively, the warding can cause another (non-wardingspell to be cast on those who would break through. The other spell must also be known and cast by the warder after the ward is first created.

Each additional thing warded against increases the spell level by 1. The warder would need to know the appropriate warding spell(s) to do that.

Creating a ward that protects an unmoving 10' radius area instead increases the spell level by 2. It takes 1d3 rounds to cast and lasts for 1 turn per caster level. 

Creating a ward that protects a 10' radius area that moves with the spell's target instead increases the spell level by 3. It also takes 1d3 rounds to cast and lasts for 1 turn per caster level.

Each 10' radius area increase of the warding raises the spell level by 1 and adds 1d2 rounds to the casting time.

Each duration increase by 1 turn per cast level also raises the spell level by 1. Spells such as Permanency can make it even last indefinitely, per Referee.

Creating a ward to keep something inside it (rather than to keep something out) would require an unmoving ward, for one does not want one's prisoner roaming about.

Protecting an individual against that which is disorderly, an angelic warding spell, would be a 1st level.
Protecting an individual against that which is disorderly or evil, using another angelic warding spell, would be a 2nd level.
Making a static circle against that which is disorderly would be a 3rd level spell.
Making a mobile circle against that which is disorderly would be a 4th level spell.
Making a static circle to keep something disorderly inside it would be a 3rd level spell.

Warding Magical Side Effects
That which would bar might not always be open. Roll whenever a ward is spell is used. If a requirement is called for, then consult the Requirements table further below. Some places are more akin to types of wards than others.

1. Ward Requisite: A requirement must be met for the ward to work. Once done, it will. There's a 25% chance of the warder experiencing a warding test too.

2. Ward Recommended: Unless a requirement is met, the ward will only occur at half its usual strength. 

3-4. Soon Cometh the Ward: The ward will happen, but if a requirement isn't met, then it takes 1d6 extra rounds to cast it.

5-9. No Side-Effect: The ward occurs normally this time. 

10-11. Perhaps Potent WardingThe ward's effect, range, or duration can be boosted by 50% if a requirement is met. If not, then it just works normally.

12. Certain Potent WardingThe ward's effect, range, or duration is boosted by 50%. If a requirement is also met, then one of those aspects can be doubled instead.

Warding Requirements
Much like with working with realms (link), roll on one of the matching tables below to see what requirements a ward spell might have.

Angelic Ward (d4)
The area to be warded...
1. is clean, organized, or symmetrical, whether physically or spiritually.
2. is blessed, whether by spell or holy water.
3. has at least one in the area is good.
4. has at least one in the area that is in great need (so as to be helped).

Fey Ward (d4)
The area to be warded...
1. has an alluring, beautiful, or whimsical element within it.
2. is at a crossroads, other nexus, or place of potent weather changes.
3. has at least one within who is intoxicated, dancing, hopeful, or playing music.
4. has at least one within that has lost their bearings, is following an animal, or has spun around 3 times.

Elemental Ward (d4)
Requirements vary based on what type of elemental warding is being called.
1. The area has an item or an individual already in it that is at least somewhat fiery, frosty, airy, watery, or earthy.
2. The area itself is already at least associated somewhat with fire, frost, air, water, or earth.
3. Both 1 and 2 above.
4. Either 1 or 2 above.

Demonic Ward (d4)
The area to be warded...
1. is very dirty, disorganized, or asymmetrical, whether physically and/or spiritually.
2. is defiled, whether by spell and/or unholy water.
3. has at least one in the area is evil.
4. has at least one in the area that is in great need (so as to be harmed).

Devilish Ward (d4)
The area to be warded...
1. has a controlling, torturous, or judgmental element or individual within it.
2. is at a crossroads, other nexus, or place of potent weather changes.
3. has at least one within who is sinful, somber, disillusioned, and/or immiserated.
4. has at least one within who has done something wrong, is planning on doing so, or would defy the Gods.

For example, a warder learns a devilish ward against that which is free. She wishes to keep out it out in a 10 foot radius around herself, so it would be prepared as a 4th level spell. When casting it, she rolls a 1 as a warding magical side-effect and a 3 as a warding requirement, so if at least one inside (she) is sinful, somber, disillusioned, and/or immiserated, then the spell will work this time. If not, it won't.

Next week: Ward Tests & Spells!