Dacian God of Immortality, Divination, Asceticism, & ProtectionTenets of Zalmoxis
- Transcend death, knowing oneself to have eternal life
- Guidance shows the truth via the hidden
- Purity leads the way
- The wolf protects the domain
Priests of Zalmoxis
- Special: Known mainly to the Dacians, a subset of the Thracians, he is served by priests, mystics, kapnobatai (link), and wolf-priests (see Part II).
- Allowed Weapons: staff, club, bow, dagger, axe
- Allowed Armor: light armor
- Symbols: His Head, Star, Mountain, White Wolf
- Can Turn: Those who fail to live rightly. If not known, there's a 50% chance of it being so if the subject is Chaotic, 25% if Neutral, and 5% if Lawful.
- Mysteries of Zalmoxis: Priests of Zalmoxis can grant a +3 bonus to a save to one who is within 60' when they are truly understanding their immortality, being guided, being pure, or protecting their domain. They may do so up to once per day per level.
Magical Side-Effects of Zalmoxis
What may be shown may lead to greater splendor.
1. Timeless One: The magic must have a duration or at least be cast to beneficially affect one who sees themself as possessing an immortal soul. If not known, there's a base 85% chance of it being so with followers of Zalmoxis and similar divinities, 15% chance for all others. Failure indicates a 25% chance of triggering a divine test or having the spell be lost too (an equal chance of either). If the magic isn't meant to benefit the target, then belief in immortality is no matter, for they might be finding out soon enough.
2. Untainted Manumit: Desire can enslave us. Unless the one who would be aided by the spell (whether the target if helpful or the priest if not) has refused wine, disorder, and carnal urges for the last 4d6 hours, then it will function at just half its normal power. In addition, there's a 25% chance of also triggering a divine test or losing the spell for the day if this happens (an equal chance of either too). All should be reminded that true liberation can only be found in purity.
3. The Way: Orderly methods enable harmony. Taking his time to set things upon the path of rectitude, the priest must take 1d3 extra rounds to cast the spell, but also keep such an approach to himself or be known to only a select few. It is the only way.
4. Dacian Wolves: The pack protects each other and their domain. Every individual within 120' gains a +1 bonus to their next roll to do so.
5-8. Standard Spell: The magic occurs in its orderly predetermined way this time.
9. Ascended Structures: The measure of the celestial objects, the land, and the people can reveal perfect forms. If the priest has seen a beautiful sky, land, or folk that day, then the spell's effect, range, or duration can be increased by 50%. If not, then the opposite occurs, encouraging the priest to do so.
10-11. Obedient Master: Nobility serves to rule rightly. If the priest casts the spell to benefit a believer in one's own immortality, one who is untainted, orderly, or a member of a select few, then the magic's effect, range, or duration can be increased by 50%. If three or more apply, then one of those aspects can be doubled instead.
12. Blessing of Zalmoxis: Not only is the magic not expended so that the spell can be cast again that day, but its effect, range, or duration can be raised 100% as well. In addition, if it's meant to be helpful, the spell's recipient gains a +3 bonus to saves when acting according to Zalmoxis' tenets for the next 1d6 turns.
Next week: divine tests, folk variations, and a specialized class of Zalmoxis in Part II!