Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Dionysus Encounters, Part II

Temples of Dionysus

Style (d10)
1-3. Ionian: smooth, stylish
4-6. Corinthian: exotic, dramatic
7-8. Dorian: stately facade
9-10. Reroll twice (or whatever!)

Form (d10)
1-2. Shrine
3-4. Tholos (Round)
5-6. Rectangular
7-8. Theatre
9-10. Tavern

Number of Columns: 2d6 at ends of temple, or outside if a shrine

Temple's Access is Forbidden to (d6)
1. Angels
2. Devils
3. Authority figures
4. Prohibitionists
5. All of them!
6. None! How can you 'forbid' anything??

Sacred Space (d12)
Reflecting chaos and abandon, such places often emphasize one of the following (roll 1d12):
1. Live a wild life (Agrios)
2. Don’t let yourself be held back by Authority, man! (Liber)
3. Lose yourself in wine (Akratophoros)
4. Lose yourself in music & dance (Enorches)
5. Lose yourself in theatre  (Ekstasis)
6. Lose yourself in passion (Auxites)
7. Help others to lose themselves too! (Eleutherios)
8. Mystery tradition (son of Zeus, rebirth, old age/ youth, Orpheus)
9. Totemic tradition (bulls, serpents, leopards, or goats, and their mythic beings)
10-12. (No emphasis- why would you push it, man??)

Random Temple Encounters
(See Volume I)

Magical Special Properties (all temples)
Anywhere within the temple: Non-lawful Greek cleric-types can reroll their magical side-effects up to once per day, but must take the second result.
Cella (the temple's main sanctum): Those who specifically follow Dionysus can reroll their magical side-effects, gaining a +1d3 bonus to the roll, even picking which ones they wish to use, up to 3 times per day. Non-lawful Greek cleric-types who don't specifically follow Dionysus can gain the same benefits as anywhere in the temple, above. In all cases, the chances of triggering divine tests are also doubled at this place since a 5 + 1d12' tall statue of Dionysus is watching.

Other Special Properties (percent chance each)
- +1d3 bonus to all rolls made to become intoxicated and to be libertine (50%)
- Includes a well (33%)
- Those favored by Dionysus gain a +1d3 bonus to all fertility and vinicultural-related rolls when within the temple and 1d20 x 50' of it. (25%)

Special Temple Guardians

Celebrants (1d12, 75% chance)
Drunken and licentious, they do little else other than get in invaders' way (and get in their faces!)
AL: C, Mve: 40’, AC 9, HD 1, Attk: 1 (annoy); Dmg: none; SP: +1d4 bonus to resist fear, Sve: T1

Maenads (2d4, 50% chance)
Unclassed, they still behave as such, clawing with ecstatic frenzy to approach the potency of cleric-type maenads (detailed in Part I).
AL: C, Mve: 40’, AC 9, HD 1+1, Attk: 2 (clawing); Dmg: 1d2/1d2; SP: hitting with both clawings allows them to rip their target for an additional 1d4+1 damage, Sve: F1

Wild Animals (1d6, 33% chance)
Whether (roll 1d4): [1] bulls, [2] serpents, [3] leopards, or [4] goats, they all can be dangerous, and certainly wild.

Satyrs & Sileni (1d4, 15% chance)
The former have goat horns, while the latter do not. Both are wild and licentious, though the sileni are somewhat less forward in their affections, having more self-control and wisdom around wine, women, and song. 

Thyiads (1d4, 15% chance)
Actual nymph versions of maenads, they combine their clawings ability (see above), along with being able to use 1d6 Dionysus spells at will, and have the other abilities/ immunities of spirits (see Volume IV).

It is Ionian and a theatre.
Devils are forbidden from entering.
It's focus is: Don’t let yourself be held back by Authority, man! (Liber)
Magical special properties: (see above)
Other special properties: 
+1d3 bonus to all rolls made to become intoxicated and to be libertine.

1. Entryways (Paradoi): Leading into the theatre, they each span 40' long and are 10' wide. A goat patrols them, intercepting newcomers 20% of the time. It will be hostile only to devils and the like.

2. Stage (Proskenion): Approximately 70' wide and 10' wide, it allows for very animated performances. Areas at the two ends increase that width to 25'. During performances, Jocasta (from Part I) will be dancing wildly with 2d4 (non-classed) other maenads. They will attempt to drag any who approach too close (within 5') onto the stage. Then, depending on their mood (and that of Dionysus), they will either dance with that individual or attempt to rip them apart (see Area 3 below though).

3. Backstage Tent (Skene): Around 20' deep, holding sundry items, mostly of an acting and intoxicating nature. An altar to Dionysus looms in the central portion. Phanias will be backstage (also from Part I) with 2d4 celebrants to prevent things with Jocasta and the other maenads from becoming too murderous. To do so, he will shout "Cut Skene!" as a cue for them to stop clawing audience members to death.

4. Performance Area/ Dancing Place (Orchestra): 65' wide x 80's deep, this marble lined area is replete with carvings of wild animals, satyrs, maenads, and other wild folk.  Jocasta and her entourage will move here to dance in a less wild and more interpretive way for the audience (with only a 10% chance of trying to tear nearby onlookers apart), whether after a time on the stage or sooner if Phanias yells "Cut Skene!"

1d4 sileni also lurk in the alcoves surrounding the area. In emergencies, they can be called upon to help defend the temple too. They also come our for wild parties.

5. Auditorium (Kerikides): 13 areas with 12 rows each, can seat many. 3d6 celebrants will be in attendance for any performance, likely creating their own scenes as well (a base 5% per turn per celebrant present)

Next week: Quests of Dionysus, in Part III!