Norse God of the Sea, Wind, Wealth, & Bounty
Tenets of Njordr
- Respect the sea & winds
- Fortune grants harvests
- Fertility brings riches
- Nurture happy children
- Avoid the howling of wolves
- Special: Also known as Njord, Njordr is served by clerics, gothar (Norse priests & priestesses), and nature priests & priestesses (link, see bottom of page). Many vanir vikings serve him too (see Part II).
- Allowed Weapons: Trident, staff, spear, dagger (see also revised/ expanded weapons listed for Poseidon- link, also at bottom of page)
- Allowed Armor: Plate mail or lighter
- Symbols: Ship, Sea, Crops, Coins
- Can Turn: None
- Njordr Mysteries: Cleric-types of Njordr are lucky, being able to cause a roll of their choice that's been made against them to be rerolled, up to once per day per level.
Magical Side-Effects of Njordr
The tides can bring all kinds of things. Roll 1d12.
1. Return to the Sea: If the magic is meant to be beneficial, then it will occur after its recipient gives up some recent wealth or harvest to the sea (even left for it, if it's not nearby). The gift will be returned within 1d6 hours’ time, or the recipient can opt to gift it permanently. In that case, there is a 2% chance (+2% per Wisdom bonus the recipient has) that it will be returned two-fold.
2-3. Before the Wind: Sea, breeze, harvest, riches, or one's progeny must be present for at least 1d20 minutes before the target can gain benefit from the spell (if any). Mountains and wolf howls won't do.
4-5. Harvest's Return: The magic will have to provide for bounty or the protection of it, or else it will only work at 50% its usual power.
6-8. No side-effect: The spell works normally.
9-10. Good Fortune: Wealth may take some time to accrue. The cleric will need to encourage its generation for 3d6 rounds first, whether around the sea, fields, or other harvest places. Afterwards, the spell will occur and with double its effect, range, or duration, especially if it would benefit one without malice.
11-12. Blessing of Noatun: If it is meant to benefit the target, the magic’s effect, range, or duration is increased x2 and is not expended, so it can be cast again that day. What is more, if the target has seen the sea, felt the wind, had good fortune, or engaged in fertility sometime within the last 12 hours, or has children, then he or she also gains a +2 bonus to all saves for the next 1d12 hours, +6 if three or more apply.
Next week: divine tests, folk variations, and a specialized class that favors Njordr in Part II!
RPG srd Njord Old School 1st ed AD&D