Divine Tests
Feasts may bring both joy and wonder.
1-4. Return to the mead hall, the mound, the bed. The priest must rest for the following 2d6 turns, but only for 1d6 if there is some delight to be had.
5-12. To be an Ingwine (friend of Ing), one must savor. The priest loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including his turn ability. Roll 1d6 for every one that has been lost to see what he must enjoy to get it back.
[1] Acquire at least 4d6 gold pieces in wealth or goods.
[2] Father offspring, or at least work heartily towards that.
[3] Enjoy any sensual pleasure for 1d6 turns.
[4] Be amongst one's kin for 2d6 turns, 1d6 if he works on his genealogy too.
[5] Visit a burial or barrow mound.
[6] Overcome a challenge via one's wits or diplomacy alone.
13-17. How else to better emulate Ing? The priest changes forevermore. Roll 1d4.
[1] Handsome: Gains 1 Charisma, but loses 1 to hit in melee, due to relying more on his looks than direct violence.
[2] Aelfish I: Gains a +2 bonus to both resist or use mind- or heart-influencing magic, but suffers -4 to all rolls if he hasn't engaged in some pleasure in the last 24 hours.
[3] Aelfish II: Gains a +4 bonus to saves, but suffers the same in penalty to all rolls if he hasn't been to a mead hall, burial mound, or amongst kin in the last 24 hours.
[4] Phallic Lord: Gains a +4 bonus to all lovemaking rolls, but suffers a -5' speed penalty.
18+ A challenge arrives, requiring something of the people of Ing (the Ingaevones). The next person of a certain type that the priest encounters will be moved to attack him for at least 2d4 rounds, doubling in duration for every divine test result over 18. If traveling in groups, other followers of the rival divinities in this case will attack other Ingaevones on a one-to-one basis. In any case, battle may continue or cease after the test's duration, depending on the dispositions of the participants beforehand. Roll 1d2.
[1] Irminiones: a follower of Woden (or the like) attacks, seeking victory over the god of erections.
[2] Istvaenoes: a follower of Eorde (or the like) attacks, claiming what's owed over the god of fertility.
Anglo-Saxon elves (sing. Aelf)
- Can be mortal demi-humans or actual spirits.
- Have the abilities noted for other types of elves, typically for high (link) and gray (link), though wood and dark are known as well, with a preponderance of Elf-Shot being selected in the latter case.
- Many follow Ing and his sister Freo, and are generally friendly to their followers, if not many others as well.
Next week: priests of Ing, Part IV!